Which food increases male potency

In order to determine which products increase potency in men, it is necessary to conduct scientific, correctly set experiments, the purpose of which will be to identify the effects of certain food products on sexual function. In practice, this type of "direct" potency research in men is very rare. Scientists more often receive thematic data as additional "secondary" information during other research. Sometimes, however, it is enough to suspect that a traditionally attractive diet to increase potency really helps a man to restore erectile function.

useful products for potency

However, even the scattered knowledge about potency foods is enough to make a list of the really best potency products from products that supposedly increase potency in men. Today, popular ideas about the nutritional basis for strengthening men's health are based on three "pillars":

Not all potency-enhancing foods contain a compelling legend in their "portfolio", as well as confirming statistics and actual components in the composition, which, under certain conditions, could directly or indirectly affect "male strength". But if the products have the last of the three components, then we can already talk about proper nutrition for men's health and the composition in the menu of products that affect potency.

Connecting legends and legends with factual data

Recognized authority in the field of satisfying women's passion is the lover of the hero Giacomo Casanova, who published a detailed autobiography entitled "The Story of My Life". The name of Casanova and his fame as a lover are associated with two products that improve potency: oysters and chocolate.

If you do not take into account the fact that Casanova, in addition to love affairs, was marked by his adventurism and propensity for mystification, and still believe his stories about himself, then of the two mentioned products useful for potency, only chocolate can remain on the list. Casanova regularly worked in the form of a hot drink. Oysters are mentioned only once in the pages of memoirs and in a random context.

In addition, in the first half of the 19th century in France and England, before the rise of uncontrolled fishing, oysters were considered food for those segments of the population who did not have enough money for meat, and from the second half gradually became a delicacy. 19th century. It is reasonable to assume that in those years the fame of the British and French, as the most passionate and resilient lovers, should have arisen. But the cultural image of the nation at the level of tradition cemented the fame of the lover only for the French, without direct reference to food. And that suggests it’s not just oysters.

Although, apart from legends, the true gastronomic potential of oysters and their chemical composition make this potency-boosting food a worthy meal for male libido:

  • Oysters contain zinc, iodine, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus. Here it is important that zinc as a mineral is one of the basic elements for testosterone production and increasing potency in men. And iodine is involved in a complex hormonal process that affects a man’s potency through the state of the thyroid gland. Numerous amino acids also work for the same task.
  • 5-7 oysters (about 100 grams) contain about 17 grams of protein, which is approximately a quarter of the daily needs of the body (based on 2-3 grams per kilogram of body weight).
  • Oysters are low in calories: 95 calories per 100 grams.

Often, the specific action of oysters is associated with the presence in their composition of dopamine (dopamine) - a chemical factor popularly known as "happiness hormone", which is part of the reward system of the brain.

However, this reward system includes dopamine produced by the brain. Dopamine-based medicinal substances increase arterial vascular resistance and the removal of fluid from the body, and thanks to them, the strength of heart contractions increases. This also indirectly affects the potency of men, which can be considered a factor that confirms the legend.

However, attention should be paid to the fact that heat treatment neutralizes many useful properties of oysters, and the consumption of raw oysters can pose a certain danger:

  • Due to the relatively high content of mercury, it is not always advisable to eat oysters to increase the potency of oysters - it can have the opposite effect: worsen health and reduce reproductive function.
  • Raw oysters often become a habitat for Vibrio Vulnificus, a bacterium that can cause not only gastroenteritis, but also more serious diseases.
  • Oysters are contraindicated in patients with reduced acidity, diabetes and some other diseases.

Therefore, if men are attracted to the content of dopamine in oysters, then it must be borne in mind that the functional analogue of dopamine in the highest concentration is found in darkened bananas, which are also often called potency-enhancing products.

As for chocolate to improve potency (more precisely, cocoa, as the basis of this hot drink), then in addition to Casanova, the Inca emperors believed in its effectiveness, and after the appearance of cocoa beans in Europe, European courtesans who gave this drink to their people. It is assumed that the specific effect of dark (with a cocoa content of 65-70% and more) chocolate is based on the action of theobromine alkaloids. It provokes the male sex drive, which triggers the natural mechanisms associated with erectile function.

Another legendary drug on the list of products that currently increase potency in men is often mentioned camel stomach, or rennet. It is called a fast-acting medicine because, according to common recipes, a ball of three grams of dried stomach is taken just before intercourse (in some cases half an hour before intercourse). In addition, from the stomach of the camel is prepared tincture in the amount of 100 grams of dried stomach per 250 milliliters of vodka, which is kept in a cool and dark place for 2 weeks, which is drunk before intercourse.

It is difficult to determine why the rennet works, because it is not known about the scientific research of this folk method of increasing potency. But, taking into account the speed of the product and the fact that rennet is called a biological analogue of Viagra, it can be assumed that the use of the drug contributes to a sharp increase in arterial blood flow in the pelvic region. However, drugs that increase potency in such a radical way, like all other potent drugs, should not be "eaten" every day.

Statistical indicators and men's health

If, according to statistics, a group of people or the population of a certain region differs in one or another pronounced functional or physiological indicator, then there is a basis for the analysis of nutrition as a child to increase potency. "People are what they eat. "

Thus, men who like spicy food came into the field of view of a group of researchers. A potency diet containing chili peppers has been statistically proven effective in a study by French scientists. The reason for the greater desire for sex and willingness to engage in it is called capsaicin, which is found in pepper. An increase in the level of this substance is associated with the manifestation of social dominance in men and an increase in aggression.

Observing the traditional food of Spanish "fiery" bullfighters, who ate the eggs of a bull they killed and a meat steak at a gala dinner, can be considered narrowly regional. By the way, practically no one doubts the value of meat as a product that must be eaten in order to increase potency. However, there is often talk about the specifics of preparing modern meat dishes. This is due to the fact that producers are constantly accused of using the hormone estrogen in the diet of domestic animals. As a food for male potency, animal meat that contains female sex hormone has the opposite effect. To be sure, in one of the diet options, meat is offered to be cooked vigorously. It is believed that in this way estrogen will remain in the broth and will not be able to cause sexual dysfunction and erectile dysfunction.

However, larger statistical studies cited around the world address issues of balanced nutritional nutrition in general - a diet that includes the entire composition of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, as well as deviations from optimal indicators related to nutritional characteristics in modern metropolises.

Thus, the noticeable predominance of fast carbohydrates in food immediately affects a man’s erectile function. Glucose as a product of carbohydrate metabolism is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. But the sudden consumption of large doses of sugar, necessary to increase energy, will inevitably trigger an insulin response in the body, which will quickly affect the reduction of erectile function. The way out of the situation can be useful products that contain complex (slow) carbohydrates - polysaccharides, which the body gradually absorbs: starch, fiber, glycogen, pectin. In various combinations, slow carbohydrates contain:

  • vegetables and fruits (mostly raw or lightly cooked),
  • whole grain cereals (oats, wheat, bulgur).

By itself, studying problems from either side rarely gives a comprehensive picture. And in that sense, the diet for potency is also, only a part of the overall picture, which must be collected from scattered observations. For example, the fact that, according to Turkish scientists from Ordu University, the risk of developing impotence depends on blood type (men with the first blood group are most vulnerable to impotence) does not deny the need for a full-fledged, versatile diet.

Chemical composition of products and analogies

Often, the attractive diet of a man who cares about sexual health includes potency products that are included in the list by analogy, ie based on the analytical transfer of knowledge about a particular element contained in a food product to the properties of the product as a whole. In other words, if on the basis of experimentally confirmed experience we know that e. g. amino acid L-arginine under certain conditions has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system, and sexual function depends on the state of the cardiovascular system. system, then with high probability we can assume that a product with a pronounced content of L-arginine will have a positive effect on erectile function in men.

This generally justified transfer, however, sometimes distorts the proportion in ideas about products that affect potency. So, it is known that nuts should be eaten about 15 pieces a day - then they increase erections and systemically increase potency. However, the direct effect of nuts on the physiological response to arousal is unknown. Indirectly, their beneficial effect can be assumed based on the content of L-arginine and zinc in them, which is associated with the production of sex hormones. However, it is necessary to control the risks of consuming allergenic products, which include nuts, and the content of other components in the product, the benefits of which must be considered individually.

For example, pine nuts contain healthy monounsaturated fats, which can lower the level of so-called bad cholesterol, which improves the health of blood vessels. But at the same time, allergens are common and their uncontrolled use is associated with an increased risk of an allergic reaction. The opinion that you should eat seafood is based on the high concentration of zinc and iodine in many of them. But, as in the case of oysters, you need to control the associated risks when choosing a product.

Among the safe and at the same time known useful products that can increase potency at home, it is most often called celery. It is often recommended to eat beets, onions, garlic, peppers, asparagus, radishes to increase "male strength", and it is often advisable to increase potency with the help of bee products. However, the general information that a certain element increases the chances of a man in bed does not automatically mean that it will be safe for you personally. Pay attention to the individual characteristics of your body and then you will be healthy and rich as a man.

Seafood and fish also have a positive effect on the sexual activity of the stronger sex. For example, crab soup, cooked seafood are great dishes to improve potency. The sauce is best made from onions, seasoned with parsley, lemon juice and tomatoes. Oysters and caviar are considered excellent aphrodisiacs. It should be noted that fish or meat is good to supplement with vegetables. Now you know which foods increase potency.

Folk recipes from around the world

It will not be superfluous to use folk recipes collected from around the world. Recipes include aphrodisiacs - products that increase potency in men. In Italy, olive oil and garlic have long been considered the best food to strengthen male strength, as they are used in many dishes of the peninsula's cuisine. In addition, Italians distinguish roasted tomatoes as a means of improving potency. Everyone knows that men from Italy are very temperamental, since aphrodisiac foods such as nuts and seeds are constantly present in their diet, they have a good effect on potency, because they contain vitamin E.

Indian cuisine is also rich in potency-boosting foods. Among them are sesame seeds with honey. Honey goes well with nuts. In Siberia, to increase male potency, pine nuts are used for food. But not only do they eat, but they also drink water, which is permeated with ground pine nuts.

Which products increase potency in men, we will describe below. Asparagus, cilantro, celery, primrose should be added to the food - these are natural aphrodisiacs. However, every nation has its own. In India, it is coriander, which is added to dough in the production of most dishes. In Central Asia, pistachios are considered a potency enhancer in men, in the Caucasus - sour milk products. Southerners have figs, which not only have a good effect on potency, but also improve the work of the liver, kidneys and heart. In the east, they drink tea with ginger and cloves.

Proper nutrition

As you can see, there are many products that can help a man maintain and increase potency. However, in addition to individual products, proper nutrition is also very important for male strength. It is wrong to believe that such advice applies only to men of respectable age. This is not the case, because real products at any age can positively affect potency.

Among the individual products that positively affect potency are red and black caviar - it contains a lot of protein. Consuming about 20 grams of caviar a month will help you increase your potency. In many countries, men eat bananas to be stronger in bed. And this is not in vain, because bananas contain a lot of vitamins that increase potency. It is recommended to consume one banana a day, in which case male strength will always be normal.

For proper nutrition, which will increase potency, there will be no need for various spices - tarragon, thyme, cumin, anise. Dishes with such spices have a very bright spicy taste. It is also important to leave room in the diet for all types of dairy products - kefir, sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese and more.

What can you refuse?

It is necessary to reduce the use of drinks with a high content of caffeine, energy drinks, all this is done only under the illusion of increasing male strength. They are very harmful not only to the male body, but also in general. Frequent consumption of caffeinated products increases the load on the heart and adversely affects the work of blood vessels, which can ultimately lead to thrombosis or heart attack.

Pasta and potatoes are useless for male power. But bakery products should be made from integral rye flour, which contains a lot of B vitamins. Products like sausages, sausages, cabbage are harmful to male potency. To this, of course, should be added nicotine and alcohol. The common misconception that alcohol increases potency leads to impotence in men at a young age. Alcohol acts as a stimulant only in the initial stage of consumption. If alcohol is abused, potency problems cannot be avoided! This can lead to sexual dysfunction and decreased desire. Alcohol should be moderate.

Proper healthy diet, walks in the fresh air, playing sports are eternal companions who will always help maintain male strength. Lead a healthy lifestyle and go out in nature more often, eat properly and be healthy!